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Undoing a delivery

Amir Bar-or (1513026) | asked Aug 22 '08, 7:04 a.m.
What is the proper way to under a delivery of a workitem+changeset to the integration workspace. If I do a reverse change-set on the integration workspace, will everyone else can accept that reverse-changeset? And then how does the person who delivered the change-set , create a fix and then redeliver both change-sets?

3 answers

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Dmitry Karasik (1.8k11) | answered Aug 22 '08, 7:04 a.m.
On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 11:08:01 +0000, abaror wrote:

What is the proper way to under a delivery of a workitem+changeset to
the integration workspace. If I do a reverse change-set on the
integration workspace, will everyone else can accept that
reverse-changeset? And then how does the person who delivered the
change-set , create a fix and then redeliver both change-sets?

You can reverse the changeset and deliver the reverse. Everyone else can
accept it since it is just a normal changeset that undoes the changes.
The original person can also accept it, and rewrite his code to be
acceptable in a new changeset and deliver that.

A less recommended solution is to discard the changeset from your
workspace, and run "replace in stream". This will remove the changeset
from the stream. Then the original developer can fix it and deliver the
old changeset + fix when he's ready.

- Dmitry

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Dmitry Karasik (1.8k11) | answered Aug 22 '08, 11:37 a.m.
Do you mean if he accepts the reverse change-set , he will need to
reimplement his code from fresh versus continuing and fixing his

Yes. Or he can create a patch from the original changeset, apply it, and
then continue fixing his problem.

- Dmitry

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Amir Bar-or (1513026) | answered Aug 22 '08, 12:15 p.m.
rewrite his code to be
acceptable in a new changeset and deliver that.

Do you mean if he accepts the reverse change-set , he will need to reimplement his code from fresh versus continuing and fixing his delivery?

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