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How can I retrieve only build result status using REST API?

Michele Pegoraro (1.8k14119103) | asked Jun 22 '12, 5:52 a.m.
I'm looking for how to retrieve build results using REST API. I'm currently using this url to find build results:

curl -k -L -b cookies.txt http://myurl:8603/ccm/resource/virtual/build/resultrecords?definitionUUID=_UX6MALoLEeG3bMomDoucaA

It works quite well but returns a lot of information I don't need (for example all the build definition and build engine properties). This is quite annoying because I've to do a lot of parsing in order to catch what I really need, which are buildStatus, buildState and the build request itemId that I need to use to identify the correct result.

Is there a way to filtering the json for build results as it is possible with work-items using


One answer

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Aug 31 '12, 3:11 p.m.
 Try adding query arg profile=REDUCED

(the _prettyPrint=true is just for debugging)

Fetching just the results, not the result records, would be faster too:
but this does not include the build request info, just the build result item id.

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