RTC: Is there a way to get a list off all project area which are using a shared process

CLM 6.0.4
We have several process templates and all our project areas use one of those
Process Sharing: Use the process configuration from another project area for this project area
When we do some changes in one of those we would like to inform the affected Teams.
Is there a way to find out what project area is connected to a template?
With https://<server>/ccm/rpt/repository/foundation?fields=projectArea/projectArea[archived=false]/*
I'm able to get the list of all PA, but not the field Process Sharing.
Any idea? Or with RPE?
Thank you
Accepted answer

I have only some information about the java API https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2014/11/28/the-process-sharing-api/
I think you could use it to get the information you want.