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REST API For Approval State

Nate Decker (37814561) | asked Oct 04 '13, 8:16 a.m.
edited Jul 17 '14, 9:57 a.m.

I am trying to access information about an approval by leveraging the REST API. In particular, I am interested in finding out the state of a specific approval (not the aggregate value of a collection of approvals). I've been able to identify the REST command that will display the approvals with the names of the approvers associated with those approvals, but I have not identified the command to expose the state of the approval.

To find the name of the approver I am using:


According to this page, I should be able to drill down to find out information about an approval using these properties:

This element represents an approval from a single contributor with a particular state.


  • stateIdentifier (type: xs:string). The state of the approval
  • stateDate (type: xs:time). The date the state was assigned
  • stateName (type: xs:string). The name of the state
  • approver (type: The contributor who is asked for approval
  • approvalDescriptor (type: The approval descriptor that aggregates the approval

However, this does not appear to be correct. I can get the approver so that works, but "stateIdentifier" doesn't work (although, "stateId" does). The remaining properties don't appear to work either. It looks like what I really need is the "stateName" command.

Does anyone know what the correct syntax is for this?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jul 17 '14, 8:48 p.m.
edited Jul 17 '14, 8:49 p.m.
Try this

It works for me in my RTC 4.0.6 environment. The only filter in query is [id=30], and you can change it to fit.
Nate Decker selected this answer as the correct answer

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