Deploying CLM 4.0 with WAS 8.0
I have deployed CLM 4.0 into WAS 8.0. I have followed all required steps like defining custom properties, mapping users etc. but when I open the JTS setup URL like https://server:9443/jts/setup.. I get following error:
" Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Diagonise Connection Problems ".
Any suggestions please?
4 answers
Connection problem means that the page can not be reached. I would assume, WAS is not started, the deployment failed at least for JTS. Check if WAS is started in the services. Try to restart WAS. check for the application that are deployed. If you can reach WAS using the admin console, WAS is up and then it indicates the deployment failed. Try removing the App and redeploying. Make sure the context roots are set properly etc.
You would see other errors if you ran into the most common issues:
- Wrong JazzHome
- Global security settings wrong, e.g. missed a step/checkbox
- LDAP/Authentication setup incorrect
Hi Pramod, I followed the same link. I am sure I have not missed any steps. any suggestions?
Hi Pramod, There was issue with port and now I corrected it. But when I open JTS setup page I get following error on browser: " Error 500: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment (initialization failure) ". I tried to set the DISPLAY variable also.. any suggestions please?
Could this be a JRE issue? Which JRE is being used for the server IBM or Sun Java? From the exception it seems Sun JRE is in use
One thing that comes to mind is if the profile is using 9443
Do you have any other WAS profiles?
What port are you using to access the WAS console?
What happens if you use localhost instead of servername?
Does the application show as running in the WAS console?
Is tomcat currently running? Are any applications deployed into tomcat?
You can use both but you need to configure one or the other to use a different set of ports. If tomcat is running try stopping it then stopping and starting WAS. If that works then we can figure out the best way to proceed.
Another suggestion: Make sure you restarted the profile and not just the applications when you finished configuring them. Occasionally that will cause unexpected results.
As for checking the port, 9043 is the default secure port for the first WebSphere profile so the other ports should also be the default including 9443
Hi Karl, I need to check on which port profile is using.. how do I check this? I do not have any other profiles, I have only one profile. I use 9043 port to access WAS console. I cannot use localhost since apps are in linux box and I am accessing from windows box. Application is perfectly running in WAS.. I checked it many times. Any suggestions?
I want to mention one more thing here.. on same machine we have an tomcat instance also. we are planning to have both WAS and Tomcat instance. Is this causing the issue ?
Karl, Currently tomcat is not running and CLM is deployed. I have restarted WAS many times and all apps are deployed correctly and running properly..
Hi Karl, There was issue with port and now I corrected it. But when I open JTS setup page I get following error on browser: " Error 500: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment (initialization failure) ". I tried to set the DISPLAY variable also.. any suggestions please?
When I open JTS setup page I get following error on browser: " Error 500: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment (initialization failure) ". I tried to set the DISPLAY variable also.. any suggestions please?
That looks like it has to do with the java.awt.headless value in WebSphere. It is supposed to be set to true
See step 12 in the Setting up a WebSphere Application Server section of the information center
Karl Weinert
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 21 '12, 11:08 a.m.See edit to my original answer
Karl Weinert
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 22 '12, 8:48 a.m.Couple more thoughts. Make sure there is enough memory, I have seen some issues with too many open file handles on Linux. But it is probably time to open a PMR so they can analyze the logs.