Where to find a complete parameter list for "viewWorkItems" handlers to be used in a drill-in reports
I am trying to create a drill-in report and I need to pass the parameter "Creation_Date" to the “viewWorkItems” handlers. But I am not sure whether it has a pre-defined parameter as "CreationDate". I experimented this but failed...
So the question is where to find a complete parameter list for "viewWorkItems" handlers?
If there is no pre-defined parameters, is there any other way that can pass the required parameters to the drill-in reports?
I am experimenting this according to this wiki article, https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ReportsLinkingAndDrillIn
especially the part: Hyperlink to run a dynamic work item query(com.ibm.team.reports.viewWorkItems)
Thank you in advance!
Qi Li