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Is there a way to get the comments of GitAdapter in BIRT?

I'm sorry in clumsy English.
have to install the GitAdapter to RTC Ver4.0.3.
"RTC to GITWeb" cooperation function was able to correctly set up.
I can confirm that it has been added to the Change Set (Remote) to Links of WorkItem.
But, Ver4.0.3 can not display the "Change Set (Remote)" in the query.
And Will do not know the acquisition method?
have to install the GitAdapter to RTC Ver4.0.3.
"RTC to GITWeb" cooperation function was able to correctly set up.
I can confirm that it has been added to the Change Set (Remote) to Links of WorkItem.
But, Ver4.0.3 can not display the "Change Set (Remote)" in the query.
->As,,An attempt was made to be obtained in BIRT.
-->As a result, we were able to get the "GitAdapterURL" but, Comments (gitWeb commit) can not be retrieved.
-->As a result, we were able to get the "GitAdapterURL" but, Comments (gitWeb commit) can not be retrieved.
One answer

I don't think any of the git commit content is saved in any RTC table.. the Link in the RTC workitem is all that there is.

Thanks Answer!
It is a pity.
You knew that you can get when you use the REST API (OSLC).
<oslc_cm:tracksChangeSet rdf:ID="n1" rdf:resource="https://rtcserver/gitAdapter/commit/0/5_0_1/temp_rtc_test.git/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/0"/>;
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#n0">;
<dcterms:title>test commit (cccccccccccccccccccccccccc)</dcterms:title>
So, it was thought to be able to see any BIRT.
Is this would be no choice but to give up?