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Poor login performance with Visual Studio 10 SP1 and RTC RC1

Harmen Leenders (324) | asked Jun 19 '12, 4:36 a.m.
edited Jun 19 '12, 4:47 a.m.

When I login to the repository connection in the Eclipse client it takes about 2 seconds to login. When I perform the same action from within Visual Studio it takes up to 45 seconds???

This behavior is equivalent when creating a workitem. Creating a workitem can take up to 28 seconds in Visual Studio 10 while it takes less than 2 seconds in the Eclipse client.

How can this be and is anyone familiar with this behavior?

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Sreerupa Sen (1.0k4) | answered Jun 25 '12, 12:59 a.m.
We had a bunch of discussions around this over email and in the work item. Turns out that the Eclipse client doesn't have a proxy set. The Visual Studio and Web Clients do. Without the proxy, in any client including Visual Studio, login and other operations are comparable to Eclipse. With the proxy it's slower everywhere. So the slowness is related to the proxy and not to the Visual Studio Client for RTC.

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Sreerupa Sen (1.0k4) | answered Jun 19 '12, 6:24 a.m.
edited Jun 19 '12, 6:25 a.m.
Hello Harmen,
    Log in via the VS Client is comparable to logging in via the Web Client - these two clients use the same APIs to log in. It's slower than the Eclipse client, but 2 sec vs 45 sec sounds like a lot to me. When I try to connect via Eclipse to my development server it takes me 10 secs in Eclipse as opposed to 30 secs in the VS Client. Do you see a 20 times difference every time you try to log in?

   As for work items, once again, the APIs we use in the VS Client are different, and slower - thought again 2 sec vs 28 sec isn't something I have seen. We're going to have a look at the work item API and see how we can get better performance - I've created Creating or opening a work item takes more time in the VS Client than in Eclipse (215219) to track it.


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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jun 19 '12, 4:47 a.m.
Hi Harmen

This does not sound good.  Did you notice if this performance is the same for subsequent actions.  For example, if you create a second work item - how long does that take compared to the first time.

BTW - is this RTC v4 RC1?  If so - you should use the production release (which shipped a week ago).


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Harmen Leenders (324) | answered Jun 22 '12, 4:12 a.m.
edited Jun 22 '12, 4:13 a.m.

We found the root cause to some level.

When setting automatic proxy settings to true in IE (Tools, Internet options, Connection settings, Lan settings) it takes a long time (>25 seconds) to login. When it is unset it is OK. This is only when using the Visual Studio 10 client. This not only counts for login in but for more actions like "create work item", expansing source control and more.


Harmen Leenders

Sreerupa Sen commented Jun 22 '12, 5:28 a.m.

What Harmen also found was that the RTC Client on Internet Explorer behaved the same way as the Visual Studio Client during login.The only common library used by the RTC Web Client on Internet Explorer, and the RTC Visual Studio Client are the .NET http libraries that come with the .NET framework. All user actions including login and create work item are http calls to the jazz server under the hood, and will use the http libraries shipped with .NET framework if executed in the context of Visual Studio or Internet Explorer. Cheers --Rupa

Sreerupa Sen commented Jun 22 '12, 5:35 a.m.

Harmen, Do you have the same proxy set in your Eclipse Client as well, or is it only in IE? The way to set a proxy in the Eclipse Client is via Window->Preferences->General->Network Connections. Is the same proxy set in Eclipse and VS and but impacts the performance of the VS Client? Cheers --Rupa

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