Local filesystem is out of sync. scm load --force does not work

I'm using a local workspace on a linux 64 machine and the command line interface. The scenario is:
scm load -f
scm accept
Problem running 'accept':
Local filesystem is out of sync. Run 'scm load' with --force option to reload the workspace.
I have also tried
scm load -f
scm repair
scm accept
I get the same error in both cases.
I have a workaround where I can accept the changes in the eclipse client. Once I do this, suddenly I can run normally until I make changes in the local workspace again.
Any ideas where I can go from here? The error message is not particularly helpful.
scm load -f
scm accept
Problem running 'accept':
Local filesystem is out of sync. Run 'scm load' with --force option to reload the workspace.
I have also tried
scm load -f
scm repair
scm accept
I get the same error in both cases.
I have a workaround where I can accept the changes in the eclipse client. Once I do this, suddenly I can run normally until I make changes in the local workspace again.
Any ideas where I can go from here? The error message is not particularly helpful.
Tim Mok
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 18 '12, 4:09 p.m.I'm not sure why the --force option isn't working but there is an enhancement work item to implement a reload option if you were wondering if such a command exists.