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How to query work items across project area by SQL?

According to following topic on forum, it may possible by using Query API.
Besides it, I want to know SQL with which I can query work items across project area,
so that I can run it on DB2 command editor.
Accepted answer

However - as the above topic underlines - this can be achieved programatically using Work Item API
and/or using OSLC - https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/WorkItemAPIsForOSLCCM20

How can it be not possible to query with SQL on a DB?
If we know the DB Schema used by RTC, then with the DB server url, it must be possible to fetch the work items right? or am i missing something here?
Is there any possibility to know the DB schema used by RTC?
Best regards

Hello Madha,
sorry - I did not say "not possible",
rather "not supported" (or advisable).

Today with Report Builder you can build such queries and see in Advanced the SQL statement.

To Madhan: Even given information about the schema, there are security considerations as Jazz applications add a protective layer above the database ( e.g. Access Control on project area ). Having a "direct" sql pipeline will, by default, bypass that.