RTC 3.0 - specifying a default work item type when doing a copy between Project Areas
I have 2 Project Areas defined on the same RTC server instance. I have different work item types defined in each Project Area. I want to copy a Work Item from one Project Area to another, but I want to make sure the copied instance of the Work Item in the target Project Area is of a specific Work Item type. Is there a way to do this?
By default, it appears that the work item type in the target Project Area is the first Work Item type defined for the target Project Area. I know I can manually change the type of the copied work item in the target Project Area after the copy, however I'd like to somehow specify the default target work item type for a given source work item type.
By default, it appears that the work item type in the target Project Area is the first Work Item type defined for the target Project Area. I know I can manually change the type of the copied work item in the target Project Area after the copy, however I'd like to somehow specify the default target work item type for a given source work item type.