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QM BIRT reports location

Bernard Dupre (2687) | asked Jun 07 '12, 4:36 a.m.
As a temporary workaround, I need to modify a BIRT report from QM report package. CCM BIRT reports are stored in plug-in "", but for several hours now, I am searching for those dedicated to QM. Do you know where I can get them ?

4 answers

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Mark Victory (26635) | answered Jun 07 '12, 1:49 p.m.
edited Jun 07 '12, 1:52 p.m.
The QM reports can be found in the plugin.
Just curious, what are you changing?

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VK L (8177157159) | answered Jun 08 '12, 1:04 a.m.
Hi Bernard,
                    If you know the report name, you can directly search for them in IMShared folder (or) under plugins as well. For E.g. Certain WI Reports are stored under Live folder.


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Bernard Dupre (2687) | answered Jun 08 '12, 6:54 a.m.
Thanks a lot.
I found "" located at "JazzTeamServer\server\conf\qm\sites\rqm-update-site\plugins".
My purpose is now to adapt some graphs by adding count or percentile and to try to report on suite executions with jazz v3.

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Mark Victory (26635) | answered Jun 08 '12, 10:18 a.m.
Hi Bernard,

Just some comments on our upcoming 4.0 release.

We have added a number of Test Suite based reports.
We have also added tables to all the chart based reports that show the details of the data in the charts.
Perhaps those changes will satisfy your needs if you will be upgrading to 4.0 once it's available.


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