Jazz CLM application level monitoring using repotools
If you are looking for a quick and dirty way to monitor whether RTC, RQM, JTS (RRC) are up or down, this Windows batch script I wrote utilizing the repotools -isServerRunning command might help you. Because repotools can be ran remotely from the application server, it allows you to detect an application outage even if the whole server or network crashes.
This script automatically sends an email notification using this Windows command line utility available for download here:
I added this script to the Windows task scheduler to run every 10 minutes.
To get this working on Windows, install an express setup of CLM onto the box you wish to conduct monitoring from, copy your server(s) <installdirectory>\server\conf directories over to the monitoring box, and create a repomonitor.bat script with the following code. Place the mailsend.exe file in the same directory as the script.
This script automatically sends an email notification using this Windows command line utility available for download here:
I added this script to the Windows task scheduler to run every 10 minutes.
To get this working on Windows, install an express setup of CLM onto the box you wish to conduct monitoring from, copy your server(s) <installdirectory>\server\conf directories over to the monitoring box, and create a repomonitor.bat script with the following code. Place the mailsend.exe file in the same directory as the script.
set cust=CustomerEnvironment
set notify=support@yourcompany.com
set test.JTS=jts
set test.CCM=ccm
set test.RQM=qm
FOR /F "tokens=2* delims=.=" %%a IN ('set test.') DO (
echo *
echo ****************************
echo Checking %%a Server
echo ****************************
echo *
call repotools-%%b.bat -isServerRunning
echo *
echo ****************************
echo %%a failure on %DATE%
echo ****************************
echo *
call mailsend.exe -f %cust%-repomonitor-no-reply@yourcompany.com -smtp mailout.ntsource.com -sub "%cust% Repomonitor - %%a Failure on %DATE% at %TIME%" -attach "repotools-%%b_isServerRunning.log" -t %notify%
) ELSE (
echo *
echo ****************************
echo %%a is running
echo ****************************
echo *
Bo Chulindra
JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 26 '12, 7:37 p.m.This seems pretty useful. You may want to try reformatting this into a question and answer and have the answer accepted.