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how to customize ootb report template?

Sandy Bataco (281415) | asked May 21 '12, 10:22 a.m.
I have a question how to customize ootb report templates.
I know we can create a new report using RRDI.
Now I want to know how to customize ootb report template such as burn down etc.
I want to change or add some other parameters of the ootb report so that I don't need to create a new report from scratch.

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Sandy Bataco (281415) | answered May 22 '12, 9:46 a.m.
I found one way.
Under plug-in\, there are ootb report examples.
We can customize those report examples.
I was able to do it using Birt.
Does any one know how to customize those ootb report examples with RRDI?
How can I import those ootb report examples into RRDI?

Samir Patel commented Mar 08 '13, 3:33 p.m.

Hi Sandy, could you share where you were able to find the information on customization of ootb report examples in RRDI?


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