how could I build a query in RTC to give me the time (in days) that Stories stay on each of the workflow states?

I am using RTC 6.0.1
I have been requested to get metrics for the time of work items in the Funnel (New or any other state previous to an "In progress" state) and also the time for work items "IN progress" states. I should get these metrics for stories completed in an specific month. For example.... what is the average time in the funnel of the stories completed on May. As well as the average time in "In progress" states of the stories completed on May.
I don't see an out of the box report for getting that type of metrics.
Is there a way to run a query to get that information?
Thank you!
I have been requested to get metrics for the time of work items in the Funnel (New or any other state previous to an "In progress" state) and also the time for work items "IN progress" states. I should get these metrics for stories completed in an specific month. For example.... what is the average time in the funnel of the stories completed on May. As well as the average time in "In progress" states of the stories completed on May.
I don't see an out of the box report for getting that type of metrics.
Is there a way to run a query to get that information?
Thank you!
Accepted answer

time in state is a report from the reporting systems.. you cannot get it from the realtime query system
One other answer

I know in Rational Insight there used to be a Time In State report. I haven't played with JRS.
according to
that report is in JRS
Average Time in State
according to
that report is in JRS
Average Time in State
DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity, Tags | Work Items | Bar graph showing the average time work items spend in a particular state |