Licensing limits on Standard Edition
5 answers
You can have a maximum number of 250 users with a license assigned.
That could be a 100 Developers and 150 Contributors or any other
combinations that adds up to 250. If you accidentally assign two
licenses to a user (ie, both Developer and Contributor) it doesn't count
against you, since the maximum is 250 unique licensed contributors.
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
That could be a 100 Developers and 150 Contributors or any other
combinations that adds up to 250. If you accidentally assign two
licenses to a user (ie, both Developer and Contributor) it doesn't count
against you, since the maximum is 250 unique licensed contributors.
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
We should already have a running total of how many users already have a
license assigned. On the server status page of the admin web ui, it
should show the total number of licenses used.
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
kesterto wrote:
license assigned. On the server status page of the admin web ui, it
should show the total number of licenses used.
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
kesterto wrote:
Thanks Matt - understood that we have a max of 250 licensed users.
I think we should show this explicitly (with a running total of the
number of licenses assigned, and still to be assigned) - let me
create a workitem on this