After migration V2 to V3 WORKITEMS_SNPASHOT tables are empty
After my migration from RTC V2 to new RTC 3.0.1 (which is equal to CCM 3.0.1 +JTS 3.0.1 + DW 3.0.1), all workitems_snapshot tables are empty in the CCM database when there are some data in old RTC V2.
To migrate ,I used the repotools script.
Someone could explain me why my the workitems_snapshot tables are empty in the CCM database or I am wrong track and the workitems_snapshot tables in RTC V2 are in other db with an other names in RTC 3.0.1 ?
To migrate ,I used the repotools script.
Someone could explain me why my the workitems_snapshot tables are empty in the CCM database or I am wrong track and the workitems_snapshot tables in RTC V2 are in other db with an other names in RTC 3.0.1 ?
2 answers
in RTC V2 and RTC 3.0 the data warehouse (datamart) was part of the RTC/CCM application. When migrating to 3.0.1 you had to decide (in the setup wizard) to create a common datawarehouse. If you chose to do so, you set up a new Database for the Data Warehouse. This is where the data should be located now, I believe.
in RTC V2 and RTC 3.0 the data warehouse (datamart) was part of the RTC/CCM application. When migrating to 3.0.1 you had to decide (in the setup wizard) to create a common datawarehouse. If you chose to do so, you set up a new Database for the Data Warehouse. This is where the data should be located now, I believe.