how to reinstate a deleted test case?
5 answers
I tried the URL (http instead of https) using Firefox and got a file returned
how can I open it?
Try any text editor.
Thanks Paul,
I only see something like this
In some editor it shows something like
and I do not see that the test case was restored back. I understand that NAK is not a good sign at all. But I have no idea why my request like this was declined. Any idea Paul?
719057 is the ID of the deleted test case and 4-p9oI2WEd6VtItmR49FfQ
is the project area.
Unfortunately, we cannot persue this further since this is not a public API. To restore resources, see As a User, I want to restore artifacts from the Trash/Audit view (80449).
Jared elaborated more based on your idea.
Then I realized that I cared too much about the result and tried your URL immediately with firefox once I saw it, never read it again until I came across Jared article and realized it was for REST API.
Thanks for the feedback. I suspected this might be the case.
I deleted the test cases while modifying the "suspecct" status in the View Test Cases. I was selecting mulitple test cases and changing the status but rather stupidly selected delete instead.
Is there any way of changing the permissions on who can delete a test case (and by this I mean total delete and not just removing the association with a test plan)? I looked on the roles/permissions section of the JTS but could not find a field relating to the Deletion of test cases.