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Team absence report in RTC 3.0.1

Dear Support,
When I use the Team_Absences.rptdesign template (in order to have a global RTC report) from the following page
and when I run the report, I get the following error message:
"Missing Required Parameter: Contributor".
Do you know why? Is it a problem of RTC version? Any other idea?
Thanks for your helpful help,
Mikal Donini.
When I use the Team_Absences.rptdesign template (in order to have a global RTC report) from the following page
and when I run the report, I get the following error message:
"Missing Required Parameter: Contributor".
Do you know why? Is it a problem of RTC version? Any other idea?
Thanks for your helpful help,
Mikal Donini.
Florian Lutz
Sep 24 '13, 7:23 p.m.Any news on this?
Rafael Hernandez
Sep 24 '13, 7:23 p.m.im having the same problem
marius andrei
Sep 24 '13, 7:23 p.m.Having the same problem too
suresh ramayanam
Sep 24 '13, 7:23 p.m.Is this issue resolved yet ?
Could someone help please ?