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RTC, Scrum and tasks : working hours in a day

Mikaël Donini (2145) | asked Mar 05 '12, 8:54 a.m.
Dear Forum,

I need to change the number of working hours in one day in RTC.
Today, estimating 8 hours for a task item automatically changes the estimation to 1 day.

But each member of my scrum considers that his effective working time is 5 hours a day (because of meetings, of unplanned tasks, of other impediments etc ...).

So I have investigated in RTC in order to find a solution to change the correspondance between hours and day : I have found something : in the work environment tab, for a given user, we can change the worday length ; but changing this workday length has no impact when estimating a task : "8 hours" is still changed into one day.

Do you know how to change the correspondance hours/days in RTC so that when estimating a task, 5 hours is changed in 1 day?

Thanks a lot for your precious support,

Best Regards,

Mikal Donini.

4 answers

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Scott Crouch (48532426) | answered Mar 06 '12, 3:07 p.m.
You could just set the option to display estimates as hours instead of having it convert to days. There's an option under Planning -> General. That way it doesn't matter what the hour->day conversion is.

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Sharoon Shetty Kuriyala (55133) | answered Mar 06 '12, 9:43 p.m.
You can specify the work time per day for project-wide settings of the work environment in the process spec for the project.

Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Planning > Work Environment

The work environment setting in the User Editor is used to specify different settings per User.

Planning Team

Dear Forum,

I need to change the number of working hours in one day in RTC.
Today, estimating 8 hours for a task item automatically changes the estimation to 1 day.

But each member of my scrum considers that his effective working time is 5 hours a day (because of meetings, of unplanned tasks, of other impediments etc ...).

So I have investigated in RTC in order to find a solution to change the correspondance between hours and day : I have found something : in the work environment tab, for a given user, we can change the worday length ; but changing this workday length has no impact when estimating a task : "8 hours" is still changed into one day.

Do you know how to change the correspondance hours/days in RTC so that when estimating a task, 5 hours is changed in 1 day?

Thanks a lot for your precious support,

Best Regards,

Mikal Donini.

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Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431) | answered Mar 07 '12, 12:22 a.m.

I need to change the number of working hours in one day in RTC.
Today, estimating 8 hours for a task item automatically changes the estimation to 1 day.

But each member of my scrum considers that his effective working time is 5 hours a day (because of meetings, of unplanned tasks, of other impediments etc ...).

Sharoon's suggestion works perfectly. I created a task of 10 hours and it changed to "1d 2h". I then changed the Work Time per Day in the Planning -> Work Environment section of the Process Configuration, saved it and refreshed the plan. It changed to say "2 d".

This is a Project Area setting so it will affect all teams in the project area.

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Mikaël Donini (2145) | answered Mar 07 '12, 3:26 a.m.
Yes it works perfectly.

Thanks all!!


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