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RQM Query vs Report Builder

Gabor Federics (34718) | asked Mar 08 '17, 9:32 a.m.

Hi All

Could you explain me, why the query possibilities in RQM and in Report Builder are different?

E.g. for Test Results the Attributes "Tested by" and "Current" are not available in Report Builder

On the other side, in RQM "Browse Test Results" view it is the test case categories that are not visible, only the test case custom attributes.

It is quite annoying that I need to run a query in RQM and in Report Builder as well, and merge them in Excel to have the complete test protocol that I need.

Are these limitations designed by intention?

Thanks for your answers


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Cathy Xu (390515) | answered Mar 08 '17, 10:51 p.m.

Hi Gabor,

Report Builder reports on data from Rational Data Warehouse or Lifecycle Query Engine, while the query in RQM you mentioned query application RQM data base.

The Data Warehouse data is loaded by data collection jobs, such as the Data Collection Component (DCC), from Rational® solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) applications.

Not all application data is loaded into data warehouse. To find out which data loaded to data warehouse, please refer to CLM Data Dictionary
CLM includes a data warehouse, to which each of the CLM applications contribute data. The data dictionary topics in this section detail the relationship between application-specific data (physical data related to artifacts and other elements in CLM applications) and the related queries that need to be incorporated into a report so that the required application data appears in the report output.

Hope this helps.

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