RQMUrlUtility: Server Response code: 500 When adding New Tes
Using RQM-Extras-RQMUrlUtil- I executed the following to GET a testcase
java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -user <user> -password <password> -filepath C:\\RQM\test_dl_case_44605.xml -url https://<server>:9443/jazz/secure/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/ITNM/testcase/urn:com.ibm.rqm:testcase:44605
Made Title change to Test Case in xml file, minor change.
PUT testcase, hoping to create new test case under the same project using the following
>java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command PUT -user <user> -password <password> -filepath C:\\RQM\test_dl_case_44605.xml -url https://<server>/jazz/secure/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/ITNM/testcase/
RQMUrlUtility: Connected to https://<server>:9443 using project "ITNM"
java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: SSL_TLS SSLContext not available
Unable to create SSL_TLS context, trying SSLv3
22-Feb-2012 15:01:07 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector isRedirectNeeded
INFO: Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabled
RQMUrlUtility: Calling method to upload XML from a specified file to URL
RQMUrlUtility: Server Response code: 500
22-Feb-2012 15:01:08 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase getResponseBody
WARNING: Going to buffer response body of large or unknown size. Using getResponseBodyAsStream instead is recommended.
Rational Quality Manager iFix 4 I20110930_1029
I successfully created new remotescripts using this method, what am I doing wrong here with testcases?
Using RQM-Extras-RQMUrlUtil- I executed the following to GET a testcase
java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -user <user> -password <password> -filepath C:\\RQM\test_dl_case_44605.xml -url https://<server>:9443/jazz/secure/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/ITNM/testcase/urn:com.ibm.rqm:testcase:44605
Made Title change to Test Case in xml file, minor change.
PUT testcase, hoping to create new test case under the same project using the following
>java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command PUT -user <user> -password <password> -filepath C:\\RQM\test_dl_case_44605.xml -url https://<server>/jazz/secure/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/ITNM/testcase/
RQMUrlUtility: Connected to https://<server>:9443 using project "ITNM"
java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: SSL_TLS SSLContext not available
Unable to create SSL_TLS context, trying SSLv3
22-Feb-2012 15:01:07 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector isRedirectNeeded
INFO: Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabled
RQMUrlUtility: Calling method to upload XML from a specified file to URL
RQMUrlUtility: Server Response code: 500
22-Feb-2012 15:01:08 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase getResponseBody
WARNING: Going to buffer response body of large or unknown size. Using getResponseBodyAsStream instead is recommended.
Rational Quality Manager iFix 4 I20110930_1029
I successfully created new remotescripts using this method, what am I doing wrong here with testcases?
4 answers
trying to execute testcase in RQM ..seeing the following error :
Failed to create temporary file for the command: Shared resource download failed from URL https://qdc28.austin.ibm.com:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/test+project++%28Quality+Management%29/resource?resourceURN=/home/rod/QM_test/pass.sh - HTTP response set follows:rqm_responseCode: 500...any idea?
Failed to create temporary file for the command: Shared resource download failed from URL https://qdc28.austin.ibm.com:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/test+project++%28Quality+Management%29/resource?resourceURN=/home/rod/QM_test/pass.sh - HTTP response set follows:rqm_responseCode: 500...any idea?