Creating test artifact links to Rational Doors through REST APIs
2 answers
to link to DOORS requirement you need to use RQM OSLC API instead of REST APIs.
Hi Hao Wan,
Requirement links are not getting copied to destination when I do POST operation.
is this limitation of POST method / is there any other way where we can get requirement links from DOORS copied to destination ? Also, it would be great if you can give me some sample code for how to add requirements of DOORS to test case using RQM OSLC API..
Hi Chandrahasa,
what do you mean by "copied to destination"? do you mean you add the DOORS requirement artifact link to qm artifact and do a post but the link doesn't created on the server side?
you are right ! .. Test case xx is linked to requirement yy, and I do POST on Test Case xx and requirement yy is not copied in test case zz which is created by POST method. Please suggest..
hmm, why you do a POST on test case xx with requirement yy and want to link to testcase zz,
may be you mean test case xx,
one suggestion is link a test case aa with DOORS requirement yy on the web UI and get theĀ testcase XML through OSLC API, that check whether the DOORS requirement link is the same as you used in the POST method to the testcase.
Thanks.. Can you tell me what is the difference between REST API and OSLC API ?
I used REST API for getting XML, I could see DOORS link tag, and I used same XML for POST ing into RQM server.