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RRC OSLC Query with dc:created field.

Akshansh Khare (56178) | asked Feb 02 '12, 8:10 a.m.
Hi All,

I am building a DOT NET C# Application using REST Services from RRC Using OSLC.
I was able to retrieve the all the requirement count for a particular project area but when I tried to get the count of the requirement count rolling 5 months I was unable to do so.

This what i am trying to do. I got the query base URL,
This is how it looks :-
When i use this URL all the requirement are displayed from this particular project areas.

But when i tried to apply a filter using OSLC no result is displaying.
Here the filter URL.<http>&oslc.where=dc:modified=" 2012-01-25T07:22:08.818Z"

If i try to filter it with some other element the correct result is displaying<http>&oslc.where=dc:identifier=771
For the above URL the result is displayed.

The particular XML-RDF for requirement is
<dc>This is the RQM Requirement 1</dc>
<dc>RQM Requirement 1</dc>

The problem I believe is the rdf:datatype used, I have tried many P&C but none returns me the desired result.
I guess i am not using the right format to query the datetime.

Any insights will be greatly appreciated.


3 answers

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Andy Berner (61127) | answered Feb 20 '12, 11:05 p.m.
Hi All,


But when i tried to apply a filter using OSLC no result is displaying.
Here the filter URL.<http>&oslc.where=dc:modified=" 2012-01-25T07:22:08.818Z"

The problem I believe is the rdf:datatype used, I have tried many P&C but none returns me the desired result.
I guess i am not using the right format to query the datetime.

Yes, the problem is the timestamp's the right clause to use (note the punctuation and encoding, it's needed):



Moti Wertheimer commented Nov 23 '14, 10:54 a.m.

Thanks. your post helped me a lot.

Interesting that DOORS DWA doesn't need this timestamp type... 

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Akshansh Khare (56178) | answered Feb 02 '12, 9:01 a.m.
I was unable to upload the right XML for the requirement as the editor is stripping out the attributes etc.
So i uploaded it as an image.

Here is a link for the image of XML of requirement.

permanent link
Akshansh Khare (56178) | answered Apr 11 '12, 10:39 a.m.
Hi All,


But when i tried to apply a filter using OSLC no result is displaying.
Here the filter URL.<http>&oslc.where=dc:modified=" 2012-01-25T07:22:08.818Z"

The problem I believe is the rdf:datatype used, I have tried many P&C but none returns me the desired result.
I guess i am not using the right format to query the datetime.

Yes, the problem is the timestamp's the right clause to use (note the punctuation and encoding, it's needed):



Hi Andy Berner,

Thanks a lot for your reply, I finally got it working.

Akshansh Khare

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