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Visio copy/paste behavior

Vivek Iyer (15212527) | asked Oct 15 '12, 2:40 p.m.
When I copy and paste a Visio diagram into a requirement artifact, I can see it just fine.

However, when I print that artifact, I do not see the diagram that was copied/pasted into Visio.

What is RRC doing here? How is that diagram stored? How can it be made printable?



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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Oct 17 '12, 12:23 a.m.
Hi Vivek,

This is the same issue as described in If an image file is copy pasted into an artifact by clipboard, it can't be exported to word or pdf (60914) and is scheduled to be fixed in the next 4.0 release.

To answer your question, the problem is related to the way images are made available when pasted in to the editor.  The workaround is to upload the image as an artifact and embedding it rather than pasting it directly in to the editor.  Hope it helps,

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