Name of child tasks not appearing in exported .csv file
We found that whenever we export any query which has tasks along with child tasks, the name of the child tasks does not get populated in the .csv file, only the ids of the child tasks are populated. Can you please let us know how we can get the name of the child tasks when we export them to .csv file.
2 answers
We found that whenever we export any query which has tasks along with child tasks, the name of the child tasks does not get populated in the .csv file, only the ids of the child tasks are populated. Can you please let us know how we can get the name of the child tasks when we export them to .csv file.
the children are references to potentially multiple elements. The export of the ID is done by design, to be able to export multiple entries. As far as I know the query editor has no way to describe to export the story name instead of the id. In the web UI the query uses the built in capabilities to display the link to the stories, which also show the name. As far as I know this is currently not possible. I see you have created a work item for this.