Function similar to svn keyword substitution
We need to record the versioning information INSIDE the source files, such as revision no., timestamp, author. So that one day if we see some built classes it can help us trace its version. In subversion we can use keyword substitution, ie. we set keywords properly, and it will auto update the $Date$ and $LastChangedBy$ in the source files upon modified.
* @lastmodified $Date$
* @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$
Is there similar functionality for Jazz source control? Thank you.
* @lastmodified $Date$
* @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$
Is there similar functionality for Jazz source control? Thank you.
One answer
This topic is discussed in work item 43191.
The recommended approach is to do this keyword substitution as part of
your build process. (There is no reason to store keyword expanded files
in the RTC repository itself, because RTC has more reliable ways of
tracking information about files that are checked into the repository
.... keyword expansion is only needed when files are deployed externally).
On 1/4/2012 9:53 PM, flowingbear wrote:
The recommended approach is to do this keyword substitution as part of
your build process. (There is no reason to store keyword expanded files
in the RTC repository itself, because RTC has more reliable ways of
tracking information about files that are checked into the repository
.... keyword expansion is only needed when files are deployed externally).
On 1/4/2012 9:53 PM, flowingbear wrote:
We need to record the versioning information INSIDE the source files,
such as revision no., timestamp, author. So that one day if we see
some built classes it can help us trace its version. In subversion we
can use keyword substitution, ie. we set keywords properly, and it
will auto update the $Date$ and $LastChangedBy$ in the source files
upon modified.
* @lastmodified $Date$
* @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$
Is there similar functionality for Jazz source control? Thank you.
How can I get to topic 43191 from here? Please post the link. The search feature doesn't search by topic number. I changed the URL in the address bar to the topic number and got 404. Wouldn't it be easier to just answer the question and link to the docs?
Hi Darrell, it's a work item rather than a topic... here is the link:
By the way, the work item is a loooong discussion about this topic, whereas Geoff's answer is a nice summary of the current best approach.