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Bilingualism - French/english

We have a requirement to support both languages for our users. They work in the same project areas.
We are only concerned about the form data, etc.. and not the user's data input.
Currently this is somewhat supported out-of-the-box with users browser language selection. I say somehwat in that only some of the field headings, etc,, are/have been translated but not all. We are also adding our own custom fields that also need to be translated dynamically. That is, present either the french or english text based on browser language selection
Has someone been able to implement this capability and if so how? We have yet to get an answer to this from IBM aside from stating that you need to use either a French process or English one which is not the solution we need.
One answer


So how does IBM currently do it for their OOTB process templates?
If you set you browser locale, some but not all field headings are translated automagically.... at least in RTC work items. I did not look at RM or QM side.

The OOTB process templates are localized. There is option to select a language when creating a project area and the corresponding localized process template will be used. Labels defined in the process (what I referred to as server properties) will always be displayed as what are defined in the process template (or customized by the project admin) and will not change based on the browser locale.
Donald Nong
Nov 09 '14, 10:48 p.m.I don't think it's supported. What you want is a dynamic attribute label in the editor presentation, or a dynamic name of the attribute itself. This is similar to the labels such as "%scrum_spec_1018" in the built-in Scrum process template. But, there does not seem to be a way to specify an attribute label, or attribute name as such.