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New CLM Common Reporting reference tables

Peter Haumer (2.2k12019) | asked Dec 22 '11, 1:23 p.m.
We updated the online help to contain reference tables that show how the
elements in the UI map down to the data warehouse and the RRDI/Insight
reporting data model.

Please, review these pages here and let us know what you are thinking:

Best regards,
Peter Haumer.

2 answers

permanent link
Raju Chiluvuri (11) | answered Dec 23 '11, 8:52 p.m.

can somone help me to get API details to extract data for reporting out of RTC. I need to integrate this with our BMC Remedy system. appreciate your help.


permanent link
Raju Chiluvuri (11) | answered Dec 25 '11, 11:47 a.m.
We updated the online help to contain reference tables that show how the
elements in the UI map down to the data warehouse and the RRDI/Insight
reporting data model.

Please, review these pages here and let us know what you are thinking:

Best regards,
Peter Haumer.

Thank you Peter. Will review.

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