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Can not connect to my RTC server on windows 2008 R2

Flemming Ask Sørensen (401114) | asked Dec 15 '11, 7:31 a.m.
I have installed RTC on a Window 2008 R2
If I logon on to the server and connect to https://<server>:9443/jts I can connect while if I try the same from a laptop I can not connect. Nothing happens. Whether it is the Tomcat Apache server that need configuration or it is windows 2008 I do not know. Can anyone help me

3 answers

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Morten Madsen (13277) | answered Dec 15 '11, 8:05 a.m.
Hi, maybe port 9443 is blocked by a firewall on your Windows 2008 R2 server?

If you have an Windows XP or Linux machine, you can try the following command: "telnet <server> 9443".

If you get a connection refused or timeout, then the port is blocked.

Also, what is the exact error message you get in your browser?

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Flemming Ask Sørensen (401114) | answered Dec 15 '11, 12:01 p.m.
Hi Cruiser

It was the firewall. After turning of the firewall I can connect.
If this is the correct solution I will ask our IT deparment about.

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Morten Madsen (13277) | answered Dec 16 '11, 4:08 a.m.

If this is the correct solution I will ask our IT deparment about.

I think the correct solution would be to un-block port 9443, or whichever port you select in your tomcat configuration. The good thing about RTC is, that you only need one port for everything.

Depending on your network setup, your IT department might need to open this port in intermediate routers in your network as well.

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