RQM 2.0.0 to 3.0.1 Upgrade loses Important Requirement Info
RQM 2.0.0 to 3.0.1 Upgrade documentation states the following are not migrated for Requirements:
1. Links and Attachments other than to test cases / test plans.
2. Custom attributes other than string type
3. Review (approver, reviewer, and so on)
4. Subscribers who have subscribed to specific requirements
5. History
What is Rational's recommendations wrt workarounds to ensure that some of the key information above is not lost during an upgrade from RQM 2.0.0 to RQM 3.0.1?
1. Links and Attachments other than to test cases / test plans.
2. Custom attributes other than string type
3. Review (approver, reviewer, and so on)
4. Subscribers who have subscribed to specific requirements
5. History
What is Rational's recommendations wrt workarounds to ensure that some of the key information above is not lost during an upgrade from RQM 2.0.0 to RQM 3.0.1?