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RTC 3.0.1 Setup User Registry error

Narayanan Potti (314) | asked Dec 13 '11, 3:57 p.m.
edited Jun 21 '12, 5:27 p.m. by Robert Rassmann (9923)
I installed RTC 3.0.1 in Windows Server 2008 R2. In JTS setup I am using Derby database. For User Registry I am trying to configure LDAP.

In JTS Setup, Setup User Registry step it gives error stating my user id does not have JazzAdmins role. I cannot login to RTC jts/admin URL. We're using RQM 2.0.1 with LDAP in my project and I used LDAP settings used for RQM. I am able to login to RQM with admin privileges. I believe there's some issue with RTC not recognizing LDAP mappings. Is there a known issue with RTC 3.0.1 ? I would greatly appreciate any help.

Thank You

Pramod Chandoria commented Jun 19 '12, 9:34 a.m. | edited Jun 19 '12, 9:54 a.m.

I think you need to tag this question to 'rational-team-concert' forum

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Karl Weinert (2.0k52736) | answered Jun 21 '12, 5:48 p.m.
If this is during the "Testing the LDAP configuration" portion of the LDAP set up I have seen two issues that caused this error.
1. Using Active directory where your user account has a comma in it. If I am not mistaken it is the sAMAccountName value. and looks something like Smith, John
If this is the case and you are certain the account you are using in the JazzAdmin group you can skip that step and continue on. (Just click cancel when it pops up)

2. The LDAP groups had spaces in them and when the groups were mapped they used quotes around the group name
Jazz to LDAP Group Mapping
JazzAdmins="Jazz Admins Group",JazzUsers="Jazz Users Group",...
Instead use
JazzAdmins=Jazz Admins Group,JazzUsers=Jazz Users Group,...

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