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API for determining if the current user is an administrator

Weiping Lu (452910) | asked Oct 02 '13, 6:31 p.m.
Jazz Foundation Current User Service gives information of name, mail box, etc about the current user.

Is there a similar service that would also let me to determine if the current user is an jazz server administrator, i.e. if "JazzAdmins" check-box is checked?


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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Oct 03 '13, 5:28 p.m.
This work item may have added a feature you can use to get the information:

It tracks work to get all users in a particular group. From there, you could see if the user you are interested in is in the group:
Require a Reportable REST API that given a group name (e.g. JazzAdmins) returns its members (users). (232160)

Martha (Ruby) Andrews

Weiping Lu commented Oct 03 '13, 7:52 p.m.

Hi Martha,

Thank you very much - this is exactly the information I need.

Do you have any code snippet to show me how the API can be accessed by a java client?

For current user service I use the string constant "" to obtain IServiceResource handle by using

IDiscoveryHelper helper = ...
IServiceResource currentUserServiceDescription = helper.getService(
                "", null);

I am not sure what service constant should be used to get the IServiceResource handle for the IExternalUserRegistryInfoRestService service.



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