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RPC client for Team Concert?

Bryan Miller - Integration Developer (4493531) | asked Jul 16 '08, 11:40 a.m.

Does anyone know if a standalone RCP client will eventually be available for RTC or is Eclipse pretty much the de facto client for the long term?


4 answers

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Jean-Michel Lemieux (2.5k11) | answered Jul 16 '08, 8:56 p.m.
If you think about it, we currently have 3 clients for RTC: the web ui, the eclipse based IDE, and the scm command line RCP application.

I can imagine a non-IDE eclipse based RTC client in which none of the development tools would be available, for example, there would be no java, pde, ... did you have anything else in mind?

Jazz Source Control Team

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Bryan Miller - Integration Developer (4493531) | answered Jul 16 '08, 9:54 p.m.
... did you have anything else in mind?

No. I think you read my mind. I am getting ready to discuss RTC with some clients and wanted to be prepared for anything :-)

I think the scm command line is great, BTW!

I can see where some users (the test community for example) might want something simple like a basic RCP app. During my brief stint as a product manager I broached the subject of an Eclipse based version of some testing tools and the idea wasn't real popular with the test community.

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Kartik Kanakasabesan (20112) | answered Jul 17 '08, 5:18 a.m.
Hi bryan,
We would like to make webui support such type of users, instead of investing in writing a RCP client. We can talk about that if you want.

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Bryan Miller - Integration Developer (4493531) | answered Jul 17 '08, 11:33 a.m.
Hi Kartik,

That sounds like a great approach. That, or have the native tools use the API to talk to the Jazz server. But, I think we can take that offline :-)


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