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Make "found in" field dependent from product field

Roger Layani (5313238) | asked Nov 23 '13, 4:22 a.m.


we are using "found in" field of type deliverable to define on which build the defect were found.

This field can have a very long list of values due to multiple product line releases

Is there a way to reduce this drop down value list ?

I am searching a way to reduce this list dependently on another field (product)



sam detweiler commented Nov 23 '13, 7:37 a.m.

unfortunately no.

we also had the same issue but had not found a solution.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 25 '13, 3:12 a.m.
As Sam states, I don't think that is possible today. I think the value set is built in and the value provider dialog does not allow customization. I have not tried it myself, however. You can try to build a value set in JavaScript, or better in Java, see:, but if Sam states they have tried and no success, it is likely impossible. You might want to file an enhancement request for this.

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