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Sharing project dashboards

Milan Krivic (98013176143) | asked Nov 23 '11, 6:21 a.m.

If I created two or three projects based on same process template, and if I customize one project dashboard for one of created projects, is there any way to share that dashboard do other projects?


3 answers

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T M (8878188143) | answered Nov 23 '11, 10:04 a.m.
1. You could have customized the dash board template (in process configuration) in the process template.

2. You can have a cross-project dashboard and each page on the dashboard corresponds to a particular project.


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Adam Archer (83639) | answered Nov 30 '11, 5:49 p.m.
Unfortunately all you can do for each project is revert the dashboards to the project dashboard template in the process. Since each project now has its own process, there is no single place to edit all three dashboards at once.

Your only option is to perform similar changes for each individual project dashboard.

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Milan Krivic (98013176143) | answered Dec 01 '11, 3:25 a.m.
Unfortunately all you can do for each project is revert the dashboards to the project dashboard template in the process. Since each project now has its own process, there is no single place to edit all three dashboards at once.

Your only option is to perform similar changes for each individual project dashboard.

Hi agarcher,

I found the way by copying a general project dashboard which is customized and pasting it to other project dashboard area. But the problem is that you must change some settings, for example, if I had some feeds about work items, copying that feeds widget to other project dashboard doesn't change the query results to new project area, it keeps feeds from previous project area, but this also helped me very much.

Anyway, thanks,

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