Java API extending - Error 'CRRTC5039E User ... is not allowed to access content ...'

Accepted answer


I added all permissions to the user and made a few changes to the code, and I'm now able to deliver the updated file to the stream with no errors, but this has opened up a few other issues. After the update, the Eclipse project folder in the Resource perspective does not have the "shared" icon (looks like a cylinder). I am able to see the repository files in the stream, but when I try to open the local file from the repository files view I get the message "File does not exist locally". Further manual changes to the file does not display a status change in Pending Changes view. This happens with projects I've added to Jazz via the API, "shared" icon, local file available and Pending Changes status update all work when I have delivered the first version via the RTC client. Must have overlooked something in my code for delivering new files (based on Snippet2). I'll likely open a new topic in the Forum to tackle this. Thanks RS for getting me this far!

I believe the additional permissions made the revision delivery possible more than the code changes I had made, so I am marking Ralph Schoon's answer as the "accepted answer".