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Workspace loaded but no project in package explorer

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Nov 15 '11, 11:53 a.m.

I saw this many times. I loaded the workspace but the project was not shown in the Package Explorer.

1. When I tried to re-load it, it shows as "already loaded", I go ahead, "load the fold as project because it has a .project file in the root", but still nothing show up.

2. I tried to use File -> Import, or File -> New project pointing the sandbox location, but they are shown as not in source control.

In this case, how can I load the project into package explorer?


3 answers

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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | answered Nov 21 '11, 10:39 a.m.
I think I was able to fix each of them so far. The problem is the reason is not that obvious when this happens. It can be:

1. There is already a project with the same name. You are dead.
2. You used a wrong load option (load the comp root as project, etc, these options).
3. You picked a wrong root folder. The folder tree with checkbox, you need to know which one to check.
4. Something else.


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Andrew Wang (2154) | answered Nov 18 '11, 8:20 p.m.

I saw this many times. I loaded the workspace but the project was not shown in the Package Explorer.

1. When I tried to re-load it, it shows as "already loaded", I go ahead, "load the fold as project because it has a .project file in the root", but still nothing show up.

2. I tried to use File -> Import, or File -> New project pointing the sandbox location, but they are shown as not in source control.

In this case, how can I load the project into package explorer?


Happens to me as well. Unload/load again usually takes care of it.

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David Lafreniere (4.8k7) | answered Nov 19 '11, 9:11 p.m.

I saw this many times. I loaded the workspace but the project was not shown in the Package Explorer.

1. When I tried to re-load it, it shows as "already loaded", I go ahead, "load the fold as project because it has a .project file in the root", but still nothing show up.

2. I tried to use File -> Import, or File -> New project pointing the sandbox location, but they are shown as not in source control.

In this case, how can I load the project into package explorer?


Hi Jirong,

Can you provide more details on how exactly you are performing the load? (performing a "Load" or "Load As", or Which exact options in the load wizard are you selecting? .. etc. )Also, could you give an example of the structure of the projects/files you are trying to load (is it hierarchical in some way with projects inside of projects? (It also might be better if you open up a work item and file it against "Source Control", and put as much information in as possible.)


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