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Restricting permission to set work item priority

Alasdair Nottingham (611610) | asked Nov 15 '11, 6:48 a.m.

The project I work on recently restricted the ability of a developer to set the priority for a work item. As a result of this it appears we have also lost the ability for developers to change the filed against. When a developer changes the file against to a category for another team they get an error back saying they do not have permission to modify the priority, but the priority remains the same before and after the change.

What can I do to remove peoples ability to set the priority, but allow them to change the filed against.


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 15 '11, 9:01 a.m.

I gave it a quick test and I see the same issue. I have not the time to look into it any deeper, but I just removed the permission to change the priority for everyone and removed that permission and indeed when trying to file to another team where the person had no role the issue cam up. You might want to consider creating a work item or PMR.

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