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Reporting all active users and Client Access Licenses a

Rob Logie (33825041) | asked Nov 14 '11, 7:38 p.m.

Is it possible to report of all active users on a Jazz server and the Client Access License that is associated with each of them.

This is required for auditing of access to the server.

The server has >>1000 users on it so cutting and pasting from web pages is not a suitable solution.

A report is required that can also be kept as a artefact for project auditors so this is an essential requirement for a enterprise deployment of RTC.



3 answers

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Jared Russell (1.3k12019) | answered Nov 16 '11, 7:17 a.m.
The below code shows how you can get a list of licenses assigned to each of the users in the repository. Note that the code below uses the Google Guava library so you would need to include it on your classpath.

Also note that I haven't run this so there may be errors I haven't spotted :)

ITeamRepository repository = ...
IProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
List<IContributor> contributors = repository.contributorManager().fetchAllContributors(monitor);
ILicenseAdminService licenseService = (ILicenseAdminService) ((TeamRepository)repository).getServiceInterface(ILicenseAdminService.class);
IContributorLicenseType[] licenseTypes = licenseService.getLicenseTypes();

//Create a map of license id -> license type
Map<String, IContributorLicenseType> licenses =
Maps.uniqueIndex(Iterators.forArray(licenseTypes), new Function<IContributorLicenseType, String>() {
public String apply(IContributorLicenseType licenseType) {
return licenseType.getId();

for(IContributor contributor : contributors) {
String[] assignedLicenseIds = licenseService.getAssignedLicenses(contributor);
for(String licenseId : assignedLicenseIds) {
IContributorLicenseType license = licenses.get(licenseId);
System.out.println(String.format("\t%s - %s", license.getProductName(), license.getName()));

Thanks for the tip. Do you know if there are any examples on how to use the POJ api ?



You can use the repotools -exportUsers command to export a CSV file containing all users and their assigned licenses.

The only limitation is that it shows the internal license ID's rather than the display name for each license.

If you need the full license name it's possible to extract the information using the plain java API.


Is it possible to report of all active users on a Jazz server and the Client Access License that is associated with each of them.

This is required for auditing of access to the server.

The server has >>1000 users on it so cutting and pasting from web pages is not a suitable solution.

A report is required that can also be kept as a artefact for project auditors so this is an essential requirement for a enterprise deployment of RTC.



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Jared Russell (1.3k12019) | answered Nov 15 '11, 4:27 a.m.
You can use the repotools -exportUsers command to export a CSV file containing all users and their assigned licenses.

The only limitation is that it shows the internal license ID's rather than the display name for each license.

If you need the full license name it's possible to extract the information using the plain java API.


Is it possible to report of all active users on a Jazz server and the Client Access License that is associated with each of them.

This is required for auditing of access to the server.

The server has >>1000 users on it so cutting and pasting from web pages is not a suitable solution.

A report is required that can also be kept as a artefact for project auditors so this is an essential requirement for a enterprise deployment of RTC.



long TRUONG commented Oct 07 '16, 6:45 p.m.

 This would show all users actively having been assigned a license (including floating ones ?) which may even show departed users not yet archived: Would it show active users, as in actively using the apps within a period of time?

floatingLicenseLogFile.csv contain those infos for users with floating licenses, what's about users with either fixed licenses or token?

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Rob Logie (33825041) | answered Nov 15 '11, 5:59 p.m.
Thanks for the tip. Do you know if there are any examples on how to use the POJ api ?



You can use the repotools -exportUsers command to export a CSV file containing all users and their assigned licenses.

The only limitation is that it shows the internal license ID's rather than the display name for each license.

If you need the full license name it's possible to extract the information using the plain java API.


Is it possible to report of all active users on a Jazz server and the Client Access License that is associated with each of them.

This is required for auditing of access to the server.

The server has >>1000 users on it so cutting and pasting from web pages is not a suitable solution.

A report is required that can also be kept as a artefact for project auditors so this is an essential requirement for a enterprise deployment of RTC.



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