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any configration for setting default of creating artifact

Sue Huang (3121) | asked Nov 14 '11, 1:46 p.m.
I have been playing around in RRC (version 3.0.1), I have the following comments/questions:

1. In "creating a new artifact": Is there away to configure the create requirement panel so that the "open artifact" box is checked by default?

2. I know that there are rich text controls to set the font type/size/color for the text fields in the requirement. Is there any way to set the default font/size/color?

3. From the online help and my previous trial RRC version, I knew that I could choose "Multiple values" option to allow the users to select multiple values in the list of attribute values. But I did not see this optional anymore in this 3.0.1 production version, not sure why?

I was appended this into the wrong topic, so I re-appened it here. And I already got the response for my question #3 back.

"In answer to point #3 The latest release of RRC V3.0.1.1 supports multi-value attributes "


4 answers

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William Andreas (136) | answered Nov 14 '11, 2:20 p.m.
I have been playing around in RRC (version 3.0.1), I have the following comments/questions:

1. In "creating a new artifact": Is there away to configure the create requirement panel so that the "open artifact" box is checked by default?

2. I know that there are rich text controls to set the font type/size/color for the text fields in the requirement. Is there any way to set the default font/size/color?

3. From the online help and my previous trial RRC version, I knew that I could choose "Multiple values" option to allow the users to select multiple values in the list of attribute values. But I did not see this optional anymore in this 3.0.1 production version, not sure why?

As far as the first two points are concerned, there is currently no way to specify the default choices in the UI.

For #1, however, you shouldn't have to set the "open artifact" checkbox each time you use the dialog. The previous choice should be remembered (across sessions). So on a machine, a user should only have to select it once, and that choice should be used from then on (until they change it) even if they restart the browser session. (I've opened a defect on this =

For #2, this is a rather complicated issue. Different kinds of artifacts have different choices available (e.g., compare the list of fonts available when editing rich text versus when editing a sketch). Different choices may be offered depending on the browser/OS (e.g., the choices for fonts on a Mac may be different than the choices on a different browser running on a different machine).

Ideally we should let an admin specify, for each artifact format, what fonts should be made available (e.g., "Arial, Tahoma, Georgia, Verdana and Times New Roman"), which font should be the default, what the default font size is and what the default font color is.

If this is important to you, I suggest you open an enhancement request (I think it's a very reasonable enhancement to ask for).

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Nov 15 '11, 12:28 a.m.
I've subscribed you to Work Item 45318 that I created for the ability to customize default fonts.

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Sue Huang (3121) | answered Nov 15 '11, 8:53 a.m.
I've subscribed you to Work Item 45318 that I created for the ability to customize default fonts.



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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Nov 15 '11, 3:42 p.m.
One way to do this is to use artifact templates.

Your template can include some heading text and "starter" text in your favorite fonts and colors.

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