Longueur d'un attribut - Lenght of Custom Attribut

6 answers

Great, that's what I need, thanks a lot.
For instance \w?\w?\w?\w? for my value.
just to add:
Please note, the indication does not prevent from saving with an invalid value. it can be used in conjunction with the Attribute Validation precondition for saving a work item (server). With this precondition set it prevents saving work items with attribute validation issues of level error. Validation results with level Warning or Information can still be saved.
See https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/AttributeCustomization#Validators

Ok, I put the Attribute Validation on saving the workitem, and now the validation is fine, and the workitem can't be saved if there is a mistake :
But I can't explain to the user the reason of the error, because the "Message" field is not available to be written in the 'regular expression validator' screen.
An idea ?
(I send you the screen by email)
Valeur de l'attribut 'Application' non valide dans l'lment de travail '4687' :
Vrifie qu'un lment de travail peut tre sauvegard uniquement si toutes les valeurs d'attribut sont valides.
But I can't explain to the user the reason of the error, because the "Message" field is not available to be written in the 'regular expression validator' screen.
An idea ?
(I send you the screen by email)

that is odd, can you try on a machine with a higher resolution?
Another idea would be to add -Duser.language=en to your eclipse.ini (of the RTC client) and, just for this, work with the English menus. Which version are you running? I would consider to open a defect/work item/PMR for the missing field.
that is odd, can you try on a machine with a higher resolution?
Another idea would be to add -Duser.language=en to your eclipse.ini (of the RTC client) and, just for this, work with the English menus. Which version are you running? I would consider to open a defect/work item/PMR for the missing field.

In fact the 'message' Field is available !
But not with 'fences' arround...
My local support tried on differents serveurs (all with same RTC level), and it seems to by a installation difference, because one of his RTC shows the fences, and none other...
I can write my information in it, and now the error is clearly explained.
(see my screenshot by mail)
Thank you very much for the explanations and help.
But not with 'fences' arround...
My local support tried on differents serveurs (all with same RTC level), and it seems to by a installation difference, because one of his RTC shows the fences, and none other...
I can write my information in it, and now the error is clearly explained.
(see my screenshot by mail)
Thank you very much for the explanations and help.