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Move RTC+QM 2.x from two servers to CCM+QM+JTS 3.x on single

Martin Lauridsen (1211211) | asked Nov 07 '11, 4:18 a.m.
As the title indicates, I have a setup now where QM and RTC versions 2.x are installed on two seperate servers (and thus two different URI's, both having the "jazz" context root).

I now want to install the newest version in an "evaluation" topology, i.e. install JTS, CCM and QM on a single linux machine. The installations are being made on a third machine with a different URI, but I think we can solve this issue by DNS (can someone confirm or reject this?).

What I am doing so far is setting up the new machine: installing CCM, JTS and QM and setting up DB2 databases for the installations, just to make sure I can get the new versions up and running. The next step will now be to migrate the data from the old servers to the new one, and this is where I find the install/upgrade guides confusing. Can someone point me in the right direction, or mention pitfalls that I have possibly made already?

Thank you for your time.

6 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 07 '11, 6:09 a.m.
Hi Martin,

this is not possible because the context roots need to stay /jazz and also because you have to keep the whole context root as it is - including hostname and port.

This is an issue we are aware of but there is no solution to yet.

There is a bunch of information in the library around upgrading you should consider to look at:

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Martin Lauridsen (1211211) | answered Nov 07 '11, 6:38 a.m.
Hi Ralph,

Thank you for your answer. So just to make 100% sure: what you are telling me is I cannot move the two installations to the same machine, because they have the same context roots? So I will need, for now, to upgrade them seperately and keep QM and CCM on seperate servers?
this is not possible because the context roots need to stay /jazz and also because you have to keep the whole context root as it is - including hostname and port.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 07 '11, 7:06 a.m.
Hi Ralph,

Thank you for your answer. So just to make 100% sure: what you are telling me is I cannot move the two installations to the same machine, because they have the same context roots? So I will need, for now, to upgrade them seperately and keep QM and CCM on seperate servers?
this is not possible because the context roots need to stay /jazz and also because you have to keep the whole context root as it is - including hostname and port.


without knowing how your URL's and your deployment look like it is hard to answer with a definite statement. My statement would be you can not upgrade them to run in the same application server. There might be tricks that allow to run them in separate application servers on one machine.

The main restriction here is that the context root of /jazz has to stay. Actually you have to keep the complete URL https://<myserver>:<myport>/jazz stable. E.g. if you move to a different server you have to make sure to move the host name to the new machine. We suggest logical host names e.g. because of that. If you used the same port number in your URL it is impossible to even run two servers on the same machine.

You can't install with RTC migration and RQM migration option into one server, because the configuration directories and the WAR files would conflict. IM therefore, does not provide that option. You could install two separate servers on a machine with alias host names if you have no conflicting ports.

It is not possible to migrate the data in the applications away from their context root either.

Please read the links I provided carefully to understand the current limitations.

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Martin Lauridsen (1211211) | answered Nov 07 '11, 7:43 a.m.
Hi Ralph,

First, let me say a bit more about our current configuration.

We have on a 2.x installation of RTC (with it's own team server), and on a 2.x installation of RQM (with it's own team server).

What I originally wanted, was to install a complete CLM 2011 solution on a third machine, However, after seeing your reply and discussing with my superiors, I will now ask you if the following is then possible.

Our hope is now, to go for having on an installation of CCM and on an installation of QM.
Question 1: Can we obtain this, if keeping the /jazz context root on both host3 and host4, and at the same time having the hostnames point to and point to

Assuming that the answer to Question 1 is "yes", I now pose question 2:
Question 2: Can the installation of CCM on host3 and the installation of QM on host4 have a shared JTS server, or must each have a separate JTS server (as is currently the case)?

Lastly, I pose question 3 which is independent (I think) of the answer to Question 2.
Question 3: Say, when moving RTC on host1 to CCM on host3, would you then suggest for the purpose of moving the data to
    a) install version 2.x of RTC on host3, move the data from host1 to host3, and then update from 2.x to 3.x on host3, or
    b) install version 3.x of CCM on host3, then move the data from host1 to host3?

Again, thank you for your time!

without knowing how your URL's and your deployment look like it is hard to answer with a definite statement. My statement would be you can not upgrade them to run in the same application server. There might be tricks that allow to run them in separate application servers on one machine.

The main restriction here is that the context root of /jazz has to stay. Actually you have to keep the complete URL https://<myserver>:<myport>/jazz stable. E.g. if you move to a different server you have to make sure to move the host name to the new machine. We suggest logical host names e.g. because of that. If you used the same port number in your URL it is impossible to even run two servers on the same machine.

You can't install with RTC migration and RQM migration option into one server, because the configuration directories and the WAR files would conflict. IM therefore, does not provide that option. You could install two separate servers on a machine with alias host names if you have no conflicting ports.

It is not possible to migrate the data in the applications away from their context root either.

Please read the links I provided carefully to understand the current limitations.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 07 '11, 8:50 a.m.
Hi Martin
Hi Ralph,

First, let me say a bit more about our current configuration.

We have on a 2.x installation of RTC (with it's own team server), and on a 2.x installation of RQM (with it's own team server).

What I originally wanted, was to install a complete CLM 2011 solution on a third machine, However, after seeing your reply and discussing with my superiors, I will now ask you if the following is then possible.

Our hope is now, to go for having on an installation of CCM and on an installation of QM.
Question 1: Can we obtain this, if keeping the /jazz context root on both host3 and host4, and at the same time having the hostnames point to and point to

Yes, this is possible. Since you keep the new server reachable with he old address.

Assuming that the answer to Question 1 is "yes", I now pose question 2:
Question 2: Can the installation of CCM on host3 and the installation of QM on host4 have a shared JTS server, or must each have a separate JTS server (as is currently the case)?

Yes, during the upgrade to 3.x you can decide to go for a shared JTS. This is the suggested way if there are no reasons that prevent it. Reporting and dashboards is simpler with a common JTS. Again, please read the information provided before, the upgrade workshop also gives some hints. Also the Interactive upgrade guide can help here.

The only limiting factors here are: 1. if you had decided during the upgrade to go for separate JTS, you can not rejoin them later. There can be only one RRC with each JTS. You can have multiple RTC/CCM and RQM/CCM with one JTS.

Lastly, I pose question 3 which is independent (I think) of the answer to Question 2.
Question 3: Say, when moving RTC on host1 to CCM on host3, would you then suggest for the purpose of moving the data to
    a) install version 2.x of RTC on host3, move the data from host1 to host3, and then update from 2.x to 3.x on host3, or
    b) install version 3.x of CCM on host3, then move the data from host1 to host3?

Again, thank you for your time!

I assume with data you dont' mean the databases, which could sit on any server. Both are valid b with mounting drives is probably the quickest way.

Please note, you should definitely try this out in a test environment (needs to be isolated) as suggested in . While doing that, document the time and steps so that you can be reasonably sure you can do the productive upgrade.

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Martin Lauridsen (1211211) | answered Nov 07 '11, 9:41 a.m.
Hi Martin
Hi Ralph,

First, let me say a bit more about our current configuration.

We have on a 2.x installation of RTC (with it's own team server), and on a 2.x installation of RQM (with it's own team server).

What I originally wanted, was to install a complete CLM 2011 solution on a third machine, However, after seeing your reply and discussing with my superiors, I will now ask you if the following is then possible.

Our hope is now, to go for having on an installation of CCM and on an installation of QM.
Question 1: Can we obtain this, if keeping the /jazz context root on both host3 and host4, and at the same time having the hostnames point to and point to

Yes, this is possible. Since you keep the new server reachable with he old address.

Assuming that the answer to Question 1 is "yes", I now pose question 2:
Question 2: Can the installation of CCM on host3 and the installation of QM on host4 have a shared JTS server, or must each have a separate JTS server (as is currently the case)?

Yes, during the upgrade to 3.x you can decide to go for a shared JTS. This is the suggested way if there are no reasons that prevent it. Reporting and dashboards is simpler with a common JTS. Again, please read the information provided before, the upgrade workshop also gives some hints. Also the Interactive upgrade guide can help here.

The only limiting factors here are: 1. if you had decided during the upgrade to go for separate JTS, you can not rejoin them later. There can be only one RRC with each JTS. You can have multiple RTC/CCM and RQM/CCM with one JTS.

Lastly, I pose question 3 which is independent (I think) of the answer to Question 2.
Question 3: Say, when moving RTC on host1 to CCM on host3, would you then suggest for the purpose of moving the data to
    a) install version 2.x of RTC on host3, move the data from host1 to host3, and then update from 2.x to 3.x on host3, or
    b) install version 3.x of CCM on host3, then move the data from host1 to host3?

Again, thank you for your time!

I assume with data you dont' mean the databases, which could sit on any server. Both are valid b with mounting drives is probably the quickest way.

Please note, you should definitely try this out in a test environment (needs to be isolated) as suggested in . While doing that, document the time and steps so that you can be reasonably sure you can do the productive upgrade.

Hi Ralph,

Your latest post cheered me up a bit!

Regarding setting up a "staging environment", I assume you mean copying the current installation(s) to new server(s), and testing the update process on these clones, as described here. Regarding this one, I do not understand step 2: "Make a copy of the production installation directory of the RTC 3.0 instance being upgraded and paste it to the same location on staging machine A." Does this simply mean copying the whole /server directory to the new machine? Will this really work?!

Also, I have been looking at the upgrade process examples, especially this one here. Here, they refer to machines A,B,C,D as machines where the new version will be deployed to: JTS on machine A, CCM on machine B, etc. However, I do not understand if these machines are also the ones where the old version 2.x installations reside, or if these are "new" servers with nothing CLM related installed. Naturally, I am in the latter case, and I do not understand if this is the case, how and when in the steps, data is transferred from an old machine to a new one, and I do also not understand actually how much "data" needs to be moved: is it a simple matter of moving the stuff in the databases to the new database servers, or is there more to it than that?

Edit: Also, if installing JTS on a separate server, how do I pick the URI for this server, because in 2.x, RTC and RQM have different host names, so I cannot possibly pick the new JTS URI to satisfy both?

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