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Client side JavaScript not found after deployment

Guenther Jornitz (5410) | asked Jan 21 '18, 5:20 a.m.

Hi, I'm creating a customized iWidget (Birt report), where I want to provide a button to hide/show specific information.
Based on some examples I used an HTML element (<INPUT Type="BUTTON" id="ordernumberbtn" Value="-" onClick='hidecol("ordernumberbtn", 1 )'></INPUT>) and provided a client side JavaScript function "hidecol" in a separate HTML text element via (<script>function hidecol(a,b) { window.alert("hello!");} </script>) defined prior to the input element.
In the Birt designer everything is working, but after deployment into RTC if I click on the button in the iWidget, nothing happens. Looking into the Browser console I see the following error: "ReferenceError: hidecol is not defined".
Any tips how one can make this work?

Donald Nong commented Jan 21 '18, 8:03 p.m.

Where exactly is the function hidecol() defined?

Ahmed Omair commented Jan 29 '19, 6:52 a.m. | edited Feb 12 '19, 12:36 a.m.

Hi there. Need solution for this. I got the same problem. I have defined the function in clientScripts clientInitialize method

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 12 '19, 2:13 a.m.

I don't see how this would be the correct forum to help with BIRT and Java Specific content. I would suggest you find a more appropriate forum. 

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