How to generate an email when a build fails
3 answers
I have a group of people who would like to be notified via email every time a build fails. Any suggestions for how I might go about setting that up?
In Eclipse in your build definition, there is a down arrow to the right of the text 'Build Definition' that will let you edit the configuration elements for the build definition. Once in that edit configuration dialog, you can click on the 'Other' tab and select 'Email Notification'. After clicking 'OK', you should see an 'Email Notification' tab along with your other tabs (ex. 'Overview', 'Schedule'). On the 'Email Notification' tab, you can add a notification criteria to get notification when a build has completed and either always or only if the build has errors.
Brent Ulbricht
RTC Build Lead
I neglected to mention we're on RTC ifix5. Is there a solution for that? Since the option you mentioned is not visible, I assume it's a 3.x addition.
This previous topic has some information about an Ant task that can send email, and the work item number under which the email support was added for 3.0.
Brent Ulbricht