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Best practice for retrieving and creating work items

S M (8622023) | asked Oct 07 '11, 2:04 p.m.
I'm planning to write my own Jazz client. It should be able to retrieve and create work items.

If I have understood the documentation correctly, there are generally two different possibilities to achieve this. Either using the Plain Java API or the Rest API. Is this correct?

And if this is correct, how can I decide which approach to choose? What are their (dis)advantages?

2 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Oct 07 '11, 6:04 p.m.
If you are coding in Java, then the Java API will often be easiest and
most efficient. If you are coding in another language, unless it has a
good binding to Java, it is usually easier to code against the HTTP API.
And if you code against the OSLC HTTP API, then your client will work
against any OSLC provider, and not just RTC.


On 10/7/2011 2:23 PM, mueller wrote:
I'm planning to write my own Jazz client. It should be able to
retrieve and create work items.

If I have understood the documentation correctly, there are generally
two different possibilities to achieve this. Either using the Plain
Java API or the Rest API. Is this correct?

And if this is correct, how can I decide which approach to choose?
What are their (dis)advantages?

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S M (8622023) | answered Oct 07 '11, 8:17 p.m.
Thanks for your help. I'm coding in Java and the client will only use RTC. So the Java Api is clearly my choice.

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