History of changes done to a dashboard
6 answers
I have followed the instructions on this wiki and get the message below. I have full JazzAdmins and JazzProjectAdmins so permissions is not the issue. Any advice?
You have successfully logged into Jazz Team Server but not able to access the Project 'XYZinternal'.
Contact your Jazz Team Server Administrator to verify that the project is valid and you have the permission to access the project.
Go to the All Projects page.
Using RTC 5.0.2.
This is a RQM dashboard. I assume this should not alter the outcome.
Changing the project name to XYZ, here is the path I used
ok just tested it on V6.0.1... RQM on my IBM Sandbox.
Just add "?" before internal. that should do it - Worked for me.
Ginny Ghezzo
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 27 '14, 7:17 a.m.This seems like a common thing to want, especially for us who are clumsy with our dashboards. Has anyone written a widget that does this: display the change history of a dashboard? Or has anyone created a report that displays the history?
Maybe the first question is confirmation that there is dashboard history somewhere or a way to hook the save.