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Alternatives to manually refreshing sandbox

Ulrich Eckhardt (23612223) | asked Sep 20 '11, 5:23 a.m.

Since I'm not using Eclipse to edit my sources, it doesn't track changes to my sandbox. This leads to me having to refresh the sandbox manually to update the pending changes view. This wouldn't be that bad if my sandbox didn't contain two humungous libraries (which I'm not modifying but only using) and a small set of files that form a program, which is what I'm actually working on. Since refreshing the sandbox looks at all components, doing so takes a painfully long time.

Now, of course I'm aware that I can select the "Refresh Sandbox ..." option to restrict the parts that are scanned, skipping the rarely-modified parts. What would be a real improvement there is if the choice there was remembered, because usually the parts to refresh are the same as those refreshed last time. Should I write an enhancement request for that?

Further, what I'm wondering is if there isn't any filesystem monitor that can detect changes to the sandbox and accordingly notify RTC that there are pending changes. I'd need such a (nonportable) monitor for a win32 system specifically.

Also, how do other people handle or avoid this issue?


3 answers

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Sep 20 '11, 9:17 a.m.
This story item seems to be what you're asking for:

You may also want to open an enhancement to remember the selection with the "Refresh Sandbox..." action.

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Ulrich Eckhardt (23612223) | answered Sep 21 '11, 3:16 a.m.
Thanks for the link, Tim! The enhancement request is filed as


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Ulrich Eckhardt (23612223) | answered Sep 21 '11, 12:25 p.m.
Just found another thing I can do: Since the huge and static component is compiled once and then installed outside the directory where it is loaded by RTC, I can simply compile and install it and then unload the otherwise unused component. Only disadvantage is that if I need to debug into it, I don't have the sources, but that shouldn't happen anyway.



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