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Audit report or log to check users connected

Ana Lopez-Mancisidor (25648967) | asked Aug 25 '10, 11:02 a.m.

Is there any way (report, log...) to see the history and the details of
users that have connected to the RTC Repository? The report should
include date and user name connected.

Many thanks,


One answer

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Aug 26 '10, 3:33 p.m.

Is there any way (report, log...) to see the history and the details of
users that have connected to the RTC Repository? The report should
include date and user name connected.

Many thanks,


1) If you're using floating licenses under Admin/User Administration there "Aquired Floating Licenses" Shows how many licenses are out and their remaining lifetime

2) Tomcat access logs . One has to open a <Valve> in tomcat/conf/server.xml. Look for localhost-access or similar pattern.

3) I seem to recall some license related reports

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