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How to notify a team when a work item has been created?

Aaron Cohen (8207851) | asked Sep 15 '11, 3:31 p.m.
In order to receive an email notification from RTC you must be the creator, owner, modifier, or subscriber to a work item. When a work item is first created it must be queried by the team associated with the work item category. We are interested in a way to notify the team via email when a work item has been created in a specific category.

The use-case is an emergency has occurred and the team needs to be notified of the ticket's existence immediately. We do not want to wait for them to query for the work item's existence. What is the best way to accomplish this?

Thank you!

4 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Sep 15 '11, 6:27 p.m.
In order to receive an email notification from RTC you must be the creator, owner, modifier, or subscriber to a work item. When a work item is first created it must be queried by the team associated with the work item category. We are interested in a way to notify the team via email when a work item has been created in a specific category.

The use-case is an emergency has occurred and the team needs to be notified of the ticket's existence immediately. We do not want to wait for them to query for the work item's existence. What is the best way to accomplish this?

Thank you!

How about you convert the RSS event feed into emails. I suspect there may be a way to filter the event stream to look for the relevant categories, and then there are utilities to take RSS feeds and convert them to emails.



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Aaron Cohen (8207851) | answered Sep 16 '11, 9:49 a.m.
In order to receive an email notification from RTC you must be the creator, owner, modifier, or subscriber to a work item. When a work item is first created it must be queried by the team associated with the work item category. We are interested in a way to notify the team via email when a work item has been created in a specific category.

The use-case is an emergency has occurred and the team needs to be notified of the ticket's existence immediately. We do not want to wait for them to query for the work item's existence. What is the best way to accomplish this?

Thank you!

How about you convert the RSS event feed into emails. I suspect there may be a way to filter the event stream to look for the relevant categories, and then there are utilities to take RSS feeds and convert them to emails.



I did a quick Google search and found third party services and some open source packages for converting rss feeds to email. Is there one that you recommend?

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Sep 16 '11, 1:15 p.m.
In order to receive an email notification from RTC you must be the creator, owner, modifier, or subscriber to a work item. When a work item is first created it must be queried by the team associated with the work item category. We are interested in a way to notify the team via email when a work item has been created in a specific category.

The use-case is an emergency has occurred and the team needs to be notified of the ticket's existence immediately. We do not want to wait for them to query for the work item's existence. What is the best way to accomplish this?

Thank you!

How about you convert the RSS event feed into emails. I suspect there may be a way to filter the event stream to look for the relevant categories, and then there are utilities to take RSS feeds and convert them to emails.



I did a quick Google search and found third party services and some open source packages for converting rss feeds to email. Is there one that you recommend?

Not tried any before - so hopefully someone else will be able to recommend one.


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Aaron Cohen (8207851) | answered Sep 16 '11, 3:29 p.m.
In order to receive an email notification from RTC you must be the creator, owner, modifier, or subscriber to a work item. When a work item is first created it must be queried by the team associated with the work item category. We are interested in a way to notify the team via email when a work item has been created in a specific category.

The use-case is an emergency has occurred and the team needs to be notified of the ticket's existence immediately. We do not want to wait for them to query for the work item's existence. What is the best way to accomplish this?

Thank you!

How about you convert the RSS event feed into emails. I suspect there may be a way to filter the event stream to look for the relevant categories, and then there are utilities to take RSS feeds and convert them to emails.



I did a quick Google search and found third party services and some open source packages for converting rss feeds to email. Is there one that you recommend?

Not tried any before - so hopefully someone else will be able to recommend one.

I created enhancement 177613 for this feature.

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